Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I liked all the PSA's but the three i liked the most was Lauren's, Emma's, and Sara's. Lauren showed how much she cares for the whales and how big why we need to stop killing them. I liked how the music and pictures set the mood; along with the fact that she had facts and even a person speaking. I think the Man she had speaking in the video was a good idea. Sara made her PSA funny but still informational. She also took characters from a movie and connected them to her project. Sara said why we need to recycle and what methane is. Emma explained how the trees collect carbon dioxide and when we burn them down it releases gases into the atmosphere. I think Jeff's, Alex's, and Ben's needed more information. They where good but they where as inspiring as the others

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blog Reflection

I thought this project was going to be hard but, then as we got more into it I realized that it really that hard. I am doing the topic Johnson Controls, but because of the trouble of finding a book for it I switched it to just energy. I feel that my book had nothing do with my topic (energy). In the beginning it was about this family that goes up north and falls in a cave and find a "Secret Power" but it never said much about the power just that they were in the cave for a long period of time. There was a lot of flaws in my project, for example the interview. We had an issue of who would come, when, where the interview would take place, and how we were going to record their answers but it all turned out okay. The person who ended up come was a friend of my mom so, I was less nervous. We where running out of time to have the interview, we had to set the date soon. We ended up making it less than a week after the thought of having it; that made the problem of where easier to. During the interview I was typing the answers on the iPad but I'm not the best speller or the fastest typer, so instead my mom typed on her computer while I asked the questions. This project didn't really change me or my family, we already were efferent. It did how ever, help me to understand what just Johnson Controls does and is all about. "Going green" is the biggest thing right now, everyone is going green and trying to help the earth. When someone becomes more efferent it doesn't just make an impact on their lives. My home is very efferent, as i explained before, we save money and we release less gas into the atmosphere. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Blog 5/7.... Video

I couldn't even began to think about living the way them do, fighting over who's land it is. When I go to a volleyball game I don't see anyone with guns on their laps. It's sad how they can't even have a peaceful game. I wouldn't want to live my life afraid of a bus I am on is going to explode like the twins where. Also I get to see my dad everyday and the little girl could go and see her dad in jail. I think the Jewish just kind of accepted the fact that it's everyone's but at the same time want to fight for their land. The Palestinian kids don't even their neighbors, they live right next to them. I think that the thought of who's land it is is the thing they think about, I feel like they don't have a choice. It sounded a lot little all the kids believe what the parents believe and that they can't really decide for their selfs. My life is very different from theirs, I wake up and drive to school and they are afraid of the people on the bus. I rarely study and they study everyday, by rocking back a forth.  

Monday, April 23, 2012


I don't know if I really understand the poem fully but I do understand that they wanted to be close to the earth and felt save their and also wanted to protect it. I think its cool how they in away created the world but at the same time they just found it. I don't understand the question about if this influenced them. If you mean the earth than yes i think it play a huge part in how they lived their lives.

Monday, March 26, 2012

I can help by turning off my TV and lights when I leave the house and also by unplugging my phone charger when I'm not using it. I can turn off my air conditioning when it's not needed. Same goes for my heat, it uses some much energy to heat a house. There are some many ways to same energy and almost everyone is trying to.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Family and energy

First off my mom, Danielle works at Johnson Controls which is an energy efficiency company so she knows all the best ways to save energy. We have high energy efficiency washer and dryer that saves A TON of water and we switch all 41 of our light bulbs to fluorescent light bulbs to reduce how much electricity we use in our home.  We also save energy by signing up for the energy savings plan with WE Energy. WE Energy is a program that only runs the dish washer and clothes washer after 7 pm on weekdays. In the summer we follow the critical peak  schedule and shut off our air conditioning when needed, and in the winter we set our heat low. We save energy and help our environment.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The street thing

It was a normal day, I woke up and thought I would spend the whole day in bed. I was looking forward to my do nothing day until, Kevin called me from Tajikistan and asked me to help him carry his cow. Knowing me, he knew I would never reject an offer like that, he said my ride would arrive with in the hour. Time pasted and I heard knocking at my door; when I answered it no one was there. I closed the door, put one foot forward and heard the knocking again but this time there was a tiny box. I decided to open the box and out poped a violet pony with wings the size of a jet. I was so amazed, I thought to my self, this couldn't get any better.

Did you know, that if you fly high enough into the clouds there is a large variety of delicacies cafes? Its okay if you didn't I wouldn't know if it wasnt for Donky, my violet pony. There is a specific place where they have chocolate that even Willy Wonka could dream of. Once I finished my delightful treats, I was stuffed and we continued our journey, where we would be over the ocean.

When we got over the ocean Donky took me close to the water, I thought i was going to do what people do in the movies and run my hand over the top of the water. Instead he took me right to the underwater world, Atlantis. I got to meet almost everyone; I thought Ariel was this sweet and kind mermaid but she really not, she is sassy and mean. What really surprised me was how nice Sebastian is, he welcomed me with open arms. After a killer party it was time to leave so I said my goodbye.I partied so hard, I wanted to sleep the rest of the trip.

I started to imagine I was back at home in my bed and all this was a dream, but i woke up to Donky; that's when I knew it was all real. Our journey had ended, I arrived at kevin's house in Tajikistan. We carried his fat cow from the far right of his house to the far left of his house. Once we finished that I stayed for a little while to catch up with him and we also went out for some food. Before I knew it I was getting back on Donky, the violet pony who's wings are as large as a jet and our journey was starting all over. Next thing I knew I was really back at home. I heard my parents calling me down for dinner, when we all finely sat down my mom asked me what I did today and that's when I told them all about my journey. :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Albina Kamaletdinova - Aubz's blog

Hi, my name is Albina Kamaletdinova. I was born on January 24, 1969, and I'm 43 years old. I was born in Kulob, Tajikistan. As a child, I found that I could bond with my father though archery and my mother though the love of sports. Archery was always that one sport that you’re better at than the others. I had many jobs such as an Ultrasound Specialist, part time at Kaisha Hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan. I was there for a year with the pay of $600/month. It didn’t really work out, so I went to be a full time Massage Therapist at Amtex Global Services, in Kandahar. Although I got paid $1,000/month, it just didn’t feel right. Then, I began working at Shifa Health Care in Balkh as a full time Dentist for 2 years. It wasn’t until a couch saw me practicing archery that I even thought about participating in the Olympics. We talked about it for weeks; I just didn’t know if I was ready or good enough. He explained to me that he thought I was good enough and ready. I watched some videos on it, and it made me wonder if I had the chance to win. The next week we scheduled times and dates for practices. I became so excited, confident, and positive that I could win. If I didn’t win, it would be okay as long as I tried and did my best. In the end, I didn’t win, but I will train harder, practice more and win next time.
I loved making the video becuase it was fun and watching with everyone and see that they liked it was cool. I liked it better than taking a test because it easier and we all got to see them. It was so fun and I really enjoyed it. :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Movie blog

The movie was a little hard to understand but, I feel that Xiaochun made the right choice to stay because although his dad is leaving he has the girl that he bought the coat for to watch him and help him though it. Also he is really good and deserves the chance to go farthere with his music. I'm sure his dad will come to see Xiaochun a lot and he will go back to see to him. It's going to be hard to be apart from his dad at that age but his dad wouldn't let him stay there unless he trusts and believes in him. So over all I think he made the right choice by staying and not going home with his dad.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Three laws of motion

Newtons three laws are how you describe movement, and that is life. His first law is "Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it." An example of this law is, if you where riding a skateboard and you fly forward off the board when hitting a curb or rock or other object that abruptly halts the motion of the skateboard.

The second law says, "The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors; in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector." This is the most important law out of the three. The law states that the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables, the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object. As the mass of an object is increased, the acceleration of the object is decreased.

The last law is, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Basicly it means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs, equal and opposite action reaction force pairs. Think of it as if we step off a boat onto the bank of a lake; as we move in the direction of the shore, the boat tends to move in the opposite direction

Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog of the week

My favorite thing about the academy is that, we get to learn at our own paste and instead of setting, instead of a desk learning the same old things we do projects. The projects for me aren't the hardest part but the presenting, I can do a huge project and turn it in the worries or anything thing, but I can't get in front of people I know and do the persentation. The academy would be great for anyone.

I really don't think there is a bad part about the academy, unless you don't like the people in it which then it will be hard to work with them. The teachers are great they help us when we need it and if we need one to one help.

I'm excited for our next project and if I'm correct, we are rewriting the Romeo and Juliet play by Shakespeare. It's going to be a little difficult since I haven't read the play but, we are going to in class together; so it will be okay. One thing I do know about Romeo and Juliet is, how it fits in with all the subjects but one science. For example: government, how poeple lived back then and the art the created; english,we might not be speaking engish if it wasn't for William Shakespeare and all the plays he wrote. I will have to read the play and do some research to find out how it relates to science, I guess I will find out soon.