Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog of the week

My favorite thing about the academy is that, we get to learn at our own paste and instead of setting, instead of a desk learning the same old things we do projects. The projects for me aren't the hardest part but the presenting, I can do a huge project and turn it in the worries or anything thing, but I can't get in front of people I know and do the persentation. The academy would be great for anyone.

I really don't think there is a bad part about the academy, unless you don't like the people in it which then it will be hard to work with them. The teachers are great they help us when we need it and if we need one to one help.

I'm excited for our next project and if I'm correct, we are rewriting the Romeo and Juliet play by Shakespeare. It's going to be a little difficult since I haven't read the play but, we are going to in class together; so it will be okay. One thing I do know about Romeo and Juliet is, how it fits in with all the subjects but one science. For example: government, how poeple lived back then and the art the created; english,we might not be speaking engish if it wasn't for William Shakespeare and all the plays he wrote. I will have to read the play and do some research to find out how it relates to science, I guess I will find out soon.


  1. Good point on the science connection. We'll work together to figure out the connections.
